Sunday, February 26, 2012

March Book Club

Thanks for a great discussion of books at our meeting!  We got two more positive reviews of "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close," three thumbs up votes for "Sing You Home" and one thumbs down for "Death Comes to Pemberley" (too much rehash of the original Pride and Prejudice).  Some books not yet on the blog include "In the Garden of Beasts," about the rise of Hitler from the perspective of the US Ambassador to Germany and "Unbroken," which led to the idea for our theme for March. 

This month's theme:  Stories of Survival

1 comment:

  1. I read "In the Garden of Beasts". Good book. Not my usual read. I found Martha to be quite entertaining.

    Leslie, have you read Matched or Crossed yet? (Allyson Condie) Yes, it's another young adult dystopian trilogy but it has a hint of SciFi & of course the expected teenage love triangle. It's reminiscent of the Giver but I'm really enjoying it. I think you would too. Doesn't exactly fit your "themes" but it happens to be what I'm reading now.
