Sunday, September 2, 2012


Julia Child would have celebrated her 100th birthday August 15th.  She was an amazing inspiration to millions of people (probably mostly women), even though I mostly remember her funny voice on TV.  :)  I learned the most about her reading Julie/Julia, actually since I am not much of a cook and stay far away from recipes containing more than ten ingredients.  :)  The book was OK and ditto for the movie. 

The book read very much like "Eat, Pray, Love" in that the authors are writing about themselves and they really can't help but get fairly sanctimonious about their journey in personal discovery, which I think contradicts the purpose of self discovery.  I do commend Julie Powell's dedication in not only completing her mission, but also in maintaining her blog at the same time.  Having now started a few blogs, it's hard to keep up!  And as I said earlier, there's no way I would have gotten through most of those recipes. 

The movie was enjoyable, but mostly because Meryl Streep killed as Julia Child!  If you like cooking and you like Julia Child, I would recommend both, otherwise, I would just recommend the movie.  :)


  1. I didn't read the book but did see the movie, and I agree that Streep was great. I became bored pretty quickly with Julie and just ended up waiting for scenes that focused on Julia.

  2. I plan to see the movie for that reason. I'm not into reading long blogs by someone about themselves. I love to cook and learned a tremendous amount from watching the original 'French Chef' program, but I can't help but think her (Julie's) mission a bit silly. I wouldn't have minded knowing her when she was cooking all that food, though....:)
