Sunday, May 27, 2012

Family Trust

Standard chick lit - I'll type out the description on the back of the book:

"Firmly planted on the Wall Street fast track to success, Becca Reinhart has no desire to marry and raise a family.  Ditto Edward Kirkland, a charming playboy who has never known what it means to work for a living - and hopes never to find out.  Enter Emily, who becomes Becca and Edward's common denominator when a quirk of fate gives them joint custody of the precocious little girl.  Suddenly, two people who have never met find themselves sharing the trials and tribulations of domestic life as they navigate the rocky shoals of parenthood, from naptime to pay dates to preschool admissions.  And amid the daily demands of raising a young child, Becca and Edward discover something else: They're made for each other."

I bought the book because it's by the same author that wrote Legally Blonde and I love that movie!  Amanda Brown is not a subtle author - she sort of slams you over the head with what the characters are feeling.  There's no room for interpretation - you don't have to think much reading this book, but it is amusing, in part because of the supporting cast of characters.  Nice, simple summer romance!

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