Monday, May 7, 2012

The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes

I first read this book a few years ago when Corrie invited me to join one of her book club meetings.  I'd forgotten most of it except I liked it enough that it stayed in my bookcase.  :)  It was a great read the second time around too!  It's sort of hard to discuss relationships with mothers in this book without giving too much away, though.  I will say that Diane Chamberlain is really into writing about secrets mothers keep to protect their children. Basically, there are three major mother-daughter relationships that influence the characters in the book and a couple peripheral ones dealing with the siblings of the main characters.

CeeCee Wilkes lost her mother to breast cancer when she was twelve and her mother left her with a series of letters that she was supposed to open throughout her life.  (Totally cool idea, by the way.)  Genevieve Russell is kidnapped and has her baby while being held captive.  Genevieve dies in childbirth and the fate of the baby is a major part of the story.  (There's some interesting nature vs. nurture here.)  CeeCee becomes a mother at the tender age of 16 and is petrified that something will happen to her daughter, Corinne, who grows up with a series of phobias because of her mother's overprotective behaviors.  (Corinne is actually the first character you meet in the story, even though her mother is the focus.)  Anyway, it's quite a roller coaster ride of a book - you're not sure whether you feel sorry for the characters or if they're just getting what they deserve.  Lots of secrets and betrayal throughout, but it all ends well without being too unbelievably sappy.  Hooked me from the beginning!

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