Sunday, June 10, 2012

Something Blue

This book is the sequel to "Something Borrowed," which I blogged about in January.  To recap, Rachel and Darcy are best friends.  Darcy is marrying Dex, but Dex and Rachel begin an affair.  Darcy, who is not the most faithful of girls, also begins an affair with Dex's friend Marcus.  Not only does she have an affair, she becomes pregnant!  Eventually everyone finds out what's going on.  "Something Borrowed" is about Rachel's side of the story.  "Something Blue" is from Darcy's perspective and continues the story from when everyone found out. 

Emily Giffin is very into discovering yourself and writing about women realizing that what they have is not necessarily what they wanted and what they wanted is not necessarily what they needed.  Her characters are very relatable and even when they drive you crazy (Rachel drove me nuts cuz she wouldn't just say what she wanted - she was really passive and Darcy drove me nuts cuz she was just so self-absorbed and oblivious), you still feel for their predicaments and want happy endings for them.

I do suggest reading "Something Borrowed" before you read "Something Blue."  "Blue" can be a stand alone book, but the backstory and character relationships are much more powerful if you read "Borrowed" first.

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