Monday, January 30, 2012

Hunger Games

I heard about this book at the National Book Festival in DC two years ago.  The third book in the series, Mockingjay, had just been released, and the author, Suzanne Collins, was a speaker at the event.  The description of her motivation for writing the book was pretty interesting - she said that September 11 defines the life of kids this day and that she tried to write a story of war from a kid's perspective.

There's a lot of trauma in these books.  I find it hard to believe it's appropriate for pre-teens, the books' target audience.  Of course, I watched Disney movies almost exclusively through high school.  :) 

I'm going to reread the books before the movie for the first book comes out in March.  I am curious to see how the movie script handles the political and social message of the books while portraying the action central to the games.

Hunger Games is currently the #1 bestselling Children's Series Book on the New York Times Bestseller List!


  1. I am currently reading the Hunger Games. I have to say I had to make myself put the book down and force myself to go to sleep. I am pretty sure I would have stayed up reading it other wise. I am really enjoying it so far. I fully agree that it does seem a bit violent for preteens, but I was reading Stephen King all through High School (not in Middle School however). I would be more interested in how they show some of the gore that is in the book, in the movie. There are some pretty gross images.

  2. Loved!!! I'm re-reading book one again to prepare for the movie. Team Peeta!! :)

  3. Uh oh! I'm going to have to put in a vote for Team Gale! And I know how it ends, but I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't had a chance to read it yet. :)
